What is esophageal / Gastric Outlet stricture?

Stricture describes a narrowing or tightening of the Esophageal or Gastric outlet lumen. They can be benign and Malignant.

What causes benign esophageal / Gastric stricture:

  • Peptic Stricture
  • radiation therapy to the chest or neck
  • accidental swallowing of an acidic or corrosive substance (such as batteries or household cleaners)
  • extended use of a nasogastric tube (a special tube that carries food and medicine to the stomach through the nose)
  • Malignancy

Symptoms of luminal stricture

  • Difficult or painful swallowing
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Regurgitation of food or liquids
  • Sensation of something stuck in the chest after you eat
  • Frequent burping or hiccups
  • Heartburn
  • Recurrent vomiting
  • Abominal fullness

Esophageal / Gastric Outlet dilatation

Esophageal / Gastric Outlet dilation, or stretching, is the preferred option in most cases. Dilation can cause some discomfort, so you’ll be under general or moderate sedation during the procedure. Your doctor will insert an endoscope through your mouth into your esophagus, stomach. Once they see the strictured area, they’ll place a dilator into the esophagus. The dilator is a long, thin tube with a balloon at the tip. Once the balloon inflates, it will expand the narrowed area in the esophagus or Gastric Outlet Your doctor may need to repeat this procedure in the future to prevent your esophagus from narrowing again.

These procedures can be done in empanelled Hospitals under sedation.